This repeater was set up with generous assistance from the Ventura County Amateur Radio Society (VCARS). Maintenance & running costs are borne by the Champion Amateur Radio Society (CARS). By setting up a repeater designed specifically as an EchoLink node, we can provide EchoLink access without disrupting traffic on the other local repeaters.

RF Side: The courtesy tone indicates that the 3-minute timeout has been reset. A rising courtesy tone indicates an RF-side station and a falling tone indicates an Internet station. Morse IDs come from the repeater controller, voice IDs come from the EchoLink computer. Currently, the CTCSS tone is not re-transmitted.

Internet side: No repeater ID or courtesy tones appear on the Internet side of the link. This can make operation from the Internet side seem a little strange at first, but it is necessary to facilitate inter-repeater links which would otherwise carry lots of extraneous beeps and IDs. The 3-minute timeout still applies, though. If you don't "drop carrier" for several seconds before the three minutes is up, you will be disconnected and will have to reconnect.