Quite a bit of K0AKS activity is connections to UK stations and to German stations (Stations, Links, and Repeaters). I'm originally from the UK and I like to keep in touch with ham activities there. My son and I are learning German and EchoLink provides a way to practice our German.

I got my first license, G8LOF, in the seventies and was active for about ten years. I eventually got busy with other things and moved away from the hobby. I was briefly licensed while living in Brisbane Australia during the eighties, but did not really use the license except to test a 2m rig that I built from a kit.

In about July 2003 my twelve year old son, Ben, and a friend of his said that they were interested in taking the Technician licence. We signed up for classes and ended up taking Technician and General followed by Extra and the 5WPM Morse test a few weeks later. Now we hold AE6NX and AE6NY. Most of our current activity is on 2m and 20m, but sometimes on other bands 80m-70cm. In early 2004 my wife Anne and my 10 year old daughter Kate decided to get in on the act too. They now hold KG6TWJ and KG6TWK respectively. Alice, my other daughter is three years old, so it may be a while before she gets HER license.

Steve AE6NX